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Build A Dashboard Using WordPress And Apache On Centos
Learn how to build a CentOS Version 7 Server, install Apache and WordPress. Import AmCharts to build a dashboard – Free Course
What you’ll learn
- Install Apache and open Firewall ports
- Install WordPress – Apply themes and Customize
- Install Plugins and incorporate Charts on the WordPress site
- Install Oracle Virtual Box Client on Windows and Mac Machines
- Build a CentOS Version 7 Server
- Tips and Tricks on how to work with Vi Editor
- Access the server remotely using Putty
- Learn a few basic UNIX Commands
- A computer with an internet connection
In this course, we’ll build a CentOS 7 machine. Install Apache and WordPress. Import AmCharts to Build a World Map and track COVID-19 active cases around the globe.
Learn the following :
- Install Virtual Box on Windows and Mac machines
- Build a CentOS version 7 server
- Download and Install Apache
- Download and Install WordPress
- Create a DataBase in MySQL
- Upgrade a CentOS machine
- Import Charts in WordPress
- Create and Publish COVID-19 Dashboard
Author(s): Adeel Afzal