Udemy Online Course Free Coupon Code
Building A Static Website W/ Blog Using Vue Js And Gridsome
Harness the power of Vue and GraphQL to build blazing-fast websites with Gridsome static site generator – Free Course
What you’ll learn
- Blazing-Fast Sites with Gridsome
- Vue JS Basics
- GraphQL Basics
- Some HTML, CSS, JS knowledge
- Node JS Experience
- Code Editor
In this course, I will be teaching you how to create a static website that includes a home & about page, a dynamic markdown-powered blog, server-side generated pages, and much more! We will build our site using an intuitive framework built using Vue JS. If you are currently studying Nuxt JS, then stop right now! Gridsome is the answer that trumps all other static site generators because of its smooth generation and blazing-fast speed. Now, start this course and learn about Gridsome now!
Author(s): Coding United