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Free! Learn Thai From Scratch. Basic Thai In 30 Minutes
Learn Practical Thai in 30minutes! – Free Course
What you’ll learn
- Saying hello and how are you?
- Saying where you are from
- Saying how much and Thai numbers
- Ordering food and buy stuff in Thailand
- you will be able to start a small talk with Thai people
- Saying you know a little of Thai
- Saying I am hungry/Do you have food
- Saying you do not want/you do want a thing
- Saying I like and I do not like
- Saying Yes/No and Thank you/No problem
- Giving someone a compliment in Thai
- Asking what is this/what is that
- you should know english enough to learn this course of Basic Thai
- you should have a mobile phone or a PC to start learning
This course is created simply justfor you as a beginner or anyone who is coming to travel inThailand. This course is going tohelpyouknow some essential phrases in thai and practical thai that people use or speak in daily life 🙂 The topics which I choose for you are the most common topics and they are daily situations you would probably experience when you are traveling or staying in Thailand.I hopeby the end of this course. you would be become confident in speaking Thai to Thai people and your trip in Thailand would be more enjoyable. Learning thai could be very fun for youif you enjoy learning them an easy way and when people understand some words or phrases you say. That would make this learning even more fun!
Author(s): (Bo)Siripa Aruenpong