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Mathematical Optimization Models Using Fico Xpress
Building Mathematical Optimisation Models starting from Scratch – Free Course
What you’ll learn
- Learn to develop the code for an optimization model.
- Learn the structure of an optimization model so that you can apply it to your own.
- Learn to use programming concepts in the optimization model such as Procedures and Functions.
- Download, install and use the software without expiration date and for free.
- There is no requirement.
Translate any real-life problem into an optimization model.
Run the model and find the optimal (best/worst) value.
Developing optimization models is a fundamental skill that is at the core of many scientific fields and professions.
For example, this skill finds application in finance in terms of identifying the optimal investment portfolio.
You get life-long access to the material, to the Q & A section, and to any optimization-related topics.
We use the software ‘FICO Xpress Optimization’, which is easy to learn and powerful when applied. The concepts can be used with any other mathematical optimization modelling language such as GAMS.
Learn the necessary skill in just a few hours as we go straight to the point.
Thank you and welcome to the Optimization and Data Science community!
Author(s): Dr. Spyros Giannelos