The Ultimate Python Basics – Bootcamp





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The Ultimate Python Basics – Bootcamp

Learn the basics of Python with awesome beginner programs to help you solve real-life situations and challenges. – Free Course

What you’ll learn

You will be able to use the basics of Python.
You will learn some of the advanced coding techniques and concepts with efficient methods.
You will be able to create your own useful programs for real-world problems.


You should have a machine to program with Python.
You should have at least 2GB of storage to store your files.
You should be able to use a PC at a beginner level.


Are you looking for a perfect all-in-one bundled python programming course? With not just tutorials but also example walkthroughs, this bootcamp offers a seamless collection of videos taking you through the basics of Python with programs to work with as examples. This course takes content from the official Python Documentation and so offers in depth yet simplified explanations for the fundamental concepts of Python.

It covers the following topics:

Fundamentals of Programming

Creating a Tech Quiz Game

Strengthening the Fundamentals

It will cover the following in the upcoming releases:

Advanced Programming

Creating a Jackpot Machine

Creating a Parking Machine

If you want to learn the fundamentals of Python and want to use it for creating awesome programs that can help you with real-world situations, this course is just for you!

What are you waiting for? I’ll see you there!

Karthik Nandula

Author(s): Karthik Nandula

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