Experience The Magic Of Meditation





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Experience The Magic Of Meditation

A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation – Free Course

What you’ll learn

Stop obsessing about your thoughts and overanalyzing everything
Get into the habit of daily meditation so that you have tools to deal with your mind
Feel calmer, less anxious and more resilient to stress
Develop greater focus and concentration so that you can be more present and productive in everyday life
Experience a variety of meditation tools and techniques so you can figure out what works best for you
Set straight any misconceptions you may have about meditation that are making it unnecessarily challenging or frustrating, and stop wondering if you’re “doing it right”
Use downloadable MP3 recordings of the meditation practices to meditate whenever and wherever you want


Time to work your way through the course
5 to 10 minutes per day to practice meditation


Meditations good for you in theory. But do you ever run into challenges putting it into practice?

You may find yourself wondering:

Shouldnt I be getting better at this by now?
Is this a complete waste of time? I could be crossing things off my to-do list!
Man, I really suck at this. Why isnt this working for me??
If you can relate, this course is for you.

Meditation doesn’t have to suck.Even if you have a busy mind, meditation can be a rewarding experience.

With the right practices and perspectives, meditation can be something you truly enjoy and look forward to instead of something that frustrates you and makes you want to give up.

Plus with practice, youll become more focused, resilient and present in every moment of your life.

This course is for you if you’re new to meditation or find it more difficult than you expected it to be.It will help you develop the habit of meditation and deepen your personal practice.

You’ll be guided through integrative health coaching techniques to help you develop the habit andfigure out how tofit meditation into your busy life in a way that works for you.

You’ll learn how to get the most out of your meditation practice as well asstrategiesto make meditation easier for people with busy minds.

Plus, you’ll be introduced to concepts related to meditation and present moment awareness to help you see new perspectives on common challenges and frustrations.

Video demonstrations as well as downloadable MP3 guidedaudio recordings of the meditations are included. Plus, you’ll get coaching tools to work through to help you establish the habit.

Are you ready?

There’s a 30-day money back guarantee, so you really have nothing to lose.

Author(s): Aili Kuutan

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