Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exam





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Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exam

Premium File 200 Questions & Answers


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A Professional Cloud Architect enables organizations to leverage Google Cloud technologies. With a thorough understanding of cloud architecture and Google Cloud Platform, this individual can design, develop, and manage robust, secure, scalable, highly available, and dynamic solutions to drive business objectives.

The Google Cloud Certified – Professional Cloud Architect exam assesses your ability to:

  1. Design and plan a cloud solution architecture
  2. Manage and provision the cloud solution infrastructure
  3. Design for security and compliance
  4. Analyze and optimize technical and business processes
  5. Manage implementations of cloud architecture
  6. Ensure solution and operations reliability

Looking to accomplish your Google Cloud Platform Certification Quickly. Dont have time to spend on expensive courses and want to avoid the extra marketing fluff. Pass the test the first time….

Welcome to the Google Cloud Certified Professional -Architect Exam Questions preparation.

This course will get you ramped up in Google Cloud Platform so you can successfully take the GCP Cloud Architect exam and pass.

To be blunt the GCP exam is not written in a clear and concise manner so it will take some “abstracting” what they are asking…

So lets get started…

What you can expect from the GCP Practice Tests?

1. Condensed content focused on getting your certified.

2. Reducing your certification prep time significantly.

3. Two Exams that simulates how the real questions are on the exam.50 questions and a bonus of 30 more. Total of 80 questions!

Who would be the target audience?

  • GCP Beginners. Some minor experience would be helpful since this course does not spend much time on GCP 100 materials
  • Existing Solutions Architects
  • Existing Cloud Managers and Administrators
  • Programmers Interested in Deploying Applications on GCP
  • People interested in hosting highly scaleable, fault tolerant applications (such as WordPress and Joomla) on the GCP platform IaaS or PaaS.
  • Taking the GCP exam and need to get certified Quickly…

Who this course is for:

  • Someone interested in getting Google Cloud Certified
  • Someone needed to study with practice questions.

About REAL Certification Exam:

  1. Length: 2 hours
  2. Registration fee: $200 (plus tax where applicable)
  3. Languages: English, Japanese.
  4. Exam format: Multiple choice and multiple select, taken remotely or in person at a test center. Locate a test center near you.
  5. Exam Delivery Method:
    1. Take the online-proctored exam from a remote location, review the online testing requirements.
    2. Take the onsite-proctored exam at a testing center, locate a test center near you.
  6. Prerequisites: None
  7. Recommended experience: 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ years designing and managing solutions using GCP.

Author(s): Tuvshinzaya Mendbayar

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